

a) Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT’s) are fatty acids that do not need bile salts in digestive system and can absorb intact to be taken to the liver, where they are used directly for absolute energy.

MCT’s are found naturally occurring in virgin coconut oil and palm kernel oil. It is considered 5X better than that of VCO in terms of penetrability, permeability, energy, and considered a medical food specifically made for people who undergoes medical operation and chemotherapy.

b) Lauric Acid is a fatty acid that is found in virgin coconut oil. It has antimicrobial and antiviral properties, which gives much stronger immune system because of the highly immunity-boosting qualities of lauric that helps to protect from viral and bacterial multiplication.


a) Expose Molecules - is the result of the surface tension evaporation to eliminate the oil film attached to the molecules. The evaporation produces molecular dissociation resulting in the opening of the essential molecules.

b) Nanosized Particles - in nanotechonology, a particle is defined as small object that behaves as a whole unit with respect to its transportation and digestion properties. It’s ultra fine particles produces excellent penetration and absorption in the lymphatic system. Currently, the 21st intense scientific research is on going due to a wide variety of potential applications of nanotechnology from medical to agricultural industries.

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